3 Key Takeaways from AIME 2024

Kate Mitchell
01.03.24 11:22 AM Comment(s)

I was lucky enough to be invited to exhibit at the Asia Pacific Incentives and Meetings Event (AIME) 2024.


TRUTH BOMB – this was my first time EXHIBITING! Wild - I know....  I’ve helped thousands of exhibitors with their onsite technology but have never exhibited myself.


As a first-time exhibitor, it was safe to say I felt a mixture of nervous and excited energy. With minimal experience in this scenario, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Thankfully, as the event progressed and I connected with attendees and fellow exhibitors, I eased into my new role as an ‘exhibitor’ and gained some valuable insights along the way.


Here are my top three takeaways as a business owner and first-time exhibitor:

  1. Food = Friends: Exhibitors offered an abundance of amazing food options, ranging from creamy gelato to fresh popcorn and mouth-watering pastries. What struck me the most was how food became a conduit for forming connections. Sharing a snack or meal with fellow exhibitors and attendees fostered meaningful conversations and friendships that I hadn't anticipated. It reinforced the idea that breaking bread together can truly bring people closer.

  2. Anyone Can Be a Lead: One of the most valuable lessons I learned at AIME 2024 is to never judge a book by its cover. While it's tempting to prioritise interactions with individuals who seem like potential leads based on appearances or job titles, I discovered that valuable connections can come from unexpected sources. By engaging with everyone who stopped by our booth with genuine curiosity and interest, I was pleasantly surprised by the diverse range of leads that emerged. It reminded me that opportunities can present themselves in the most unexpected places.

  3. Smile. Always: Throughout my time at AIME 2024, I noticed the transformative power of a smile. Whether it was offering a warm greeting or sharing a laugh, smiles had a magnetic effect that drew people to our booth. It not only made me feel more approachable but also helped initiate conversations and create a positive atmosphere. This simple yet powerful gesture reinforced the importance of cultivating a friendly and welcoming demeanour in business interactions.


Reflecting on my experience as a first-time exhibitor at AIME 2024, I'm grateful for the valuable lessons learned and connections made. Despite initial nerves and uncertainty, I embraced the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and engage with attendees in a meaningful way. As I continue to grow and learn as a business owner, I'll carry these key takeaways with me, recognising the significance of creating opportunities for connection through food, open-mindedness, and a genuine smile in fostering connections and driving success in the business world.

Kate Mitchell